Friday, March 16, 2007

Classics Alive Today: Caesar and the War in Iraq

I found this LA Times article by accident, and it got me thinking about the asset of being able to see today's challenges with a full perspective that includes the past. Classical history seems to provide an unparalleled

Check out this LA Times editorial from a British Caesar historian who contemplates our current situation in Iraq.

Excerpt: "Even without 24-hour news and an international community watching his every move, Caesar was acutely aware of the need to win over public opinion. Each winter he produced an account of the year's campaign, designed to be read aloud and to thrill an audience of Romans."

Maybe you can shake up your discussions a bit at home thinking about how Caesar might have handled the Iraq war differently.

BTW please forward me any articles you come across that have this classical-contemporary bent...they don't have to be political; they could be about anything. I hope to post regularly - and these types of topics might provide good mulling opportunities for logic and rhetoric age students.

LA Times- Caesar: Diplomacy and Power

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