Thursday, May 17, 2007

Small Latin and Less Greek

Ben Jonson described Shakespeare's education as consisting of "small Latin, and less Greek", so that is no small goal for some of us classical educator newbies. I am really learning Latin with my kids, but I was also frustrated at not being able to read many short Greek phrases that I came across while reading classical commentaries or works.

What I really find myself enjoying is Christine Gatchell's Elementary Greek. It is easy to slip in reading here and there, and although I know that "real" Greek is quite complex, this little bit of Greek gives me a richer feeling of connection to the words and quotations as I come across them. Readings start with the John 1. If you can't wait for the book, check out this Little Greek 101 site which includes short audio files for pronunciation.

Another wonderful free resource I came across was Visual Greek (pdf file) which combines cartoons which act as reminders for Greek word meaning and pronunciation.

Other References

Shakespeare's Small Latin and Less Greek

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