Wednesday, March 14, 2007

History of Science

Here are two excellent resources for History of Science-
The first is an online course History of Science to the 17th Century from the University of Oklahoma. It is a 15 week course with Internet links to background reading and primary sources (Ancient Babylonia, Ancient Greece), and quizzes (but no answers).

The second resource is: Engines of Our Ingenuity- with short articles that relate important discoveries in Science and Technology The best organized pages covere the Renaissance: Subtopics include, Invention of Printing, Natural Philosophy (Science and Math), Medicine and Anatomy, Architecture, Other Technology, Art, Music, and Theature, Renaissance Culture, and "Discovering The New World." The stories themselves are a little short, but they can be good starting points for further studies

The figure below is from the Engines story on Albrecht Durer. He studied in Italy and recast the artistic lessons learned there in the language of Euclidean geometry.

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