Our family is whole-heartedly into Latin, and enjoying every minute of it. Are you still on the fence? Here are some of the potential benefits of a Latin-centered education.
English Understanding and Usage
Latin greatly enriches an English speakers understanding of his or her own language. 60% of English words are based on Latin derivations - so not only are students learning a foreign language, they are also extending their knowledge of their native tongue.
The process of learning Latin teaches students to look more carefully at word roots, similar and different spellings, and families of related words. What's more, linguistic learning through Latin builds a richness of word connotation, that can't be gained from memorizing SAT word lists.
Latin students also learn their language in association with vivid stories and myths, heroic poems, and historical events - so word learning is developed in all its richness of meaning.
Latin students must also learn the "bones" of language construction through its syntax and grammar. This also has a direct impact on helping students express themselves with writing and speaking. English grammar by itself may seem dry and purposelessness, but when coupled with Latin, it takes on a whole different level of importance.
Other Languages
Learning Latin in the early years will greatly ease the learning of Modern languages like Italian, French, or Spanish, because these Modern languages originated from Latin. It also give one a more flexible sense of how languages and cultures developed.
Effects on Development of the Mind
The process of a Latin learn extends beyond memorization because the language requires quite extensive analysis in addition to memorization. As a result, many beneficial cognitive skills come from learning Latin - task persistence, word and visual analysis, organization and sequencing, and flexibility in the application of knowledge. Small wonder that successful Latin students are highly valued for their intellects and ability to master complex new domains.
Our Latin Inheritance and Advantage
When Latin-educated students are compared to age peers, they outperform in the areas of verbal SAT (in 2002, all students: 504; Spanish: 581; Latin: 666), tests of mathematical problem solving, reading achievement, and vocabulary. A Latin-based education nurtures students in the origins of Western civilization and literature, philosophy, law and government, science, the arts and music, and as a result, students see their modern history and experience in the context of our past.
Finally, from a purely aesthetic perspective, many people cherish the time they spent learning Latin because the beauty of the language, the possibility of reading the poems of Ovid or Virgil in their native language, and ancient writings in their original form. Beginners don't have to wait to become fluent speakers to enjoy the sounds and succinctness of beautifully turned phrases - there are many pithy Latin mottoes that are fun to learn for the whole family.
We've looked any many different curricula - and these may vary in their suitability depending on the a student's learning styles or preferences. We'll post our reviews in follow-up post.
Why Study Latin?
Latin Makes a Comeback
The Latin Advantage
Lost Tools of Learning
Latin Maxims
Amo, Amas, Amat, and More
Technorati tags: Latin, Foreign Language, Classical education, homeschooling, education, classics
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